Regular - $3.25; Mini - $15.00 per dozen

Peppermint chip(GF)

A delicious white cake flavored with Peppermint oil, creamy white chocolate buttercream, topped with one of the season’s favorite, peppermint bark.




Cranberry orange bliss(Gf)

A moist cranberry and orange flavored cake, a sweet(but not too sweet) orange cream cheese frosting and complete with a sugared cranberry. You will not be disappointed with this perfection in flavor combos.




Egg nog(GF, V)

This is a new flavor this year and I’m so excited to add it. This egg nog cake is made with homemade egg nog (quality ingredients matter!) Topped with our nutmeg, cinnamon cream cheese frosting and a cinnamon chip ganache.




V- Vegan; GF- Gluten-free can be made upon request